Hey Canada ! Looking for a Casino that accept Echeck ?

If you din't know by now, the Epic Gambler is 100% Canadian so I know a thing or two about Echeck and the online casinos that accept them. If you already know everything you need to know about Echeck and simply would like to view our top choices click the link below. Otherwise read on to learn just how easy it is to get started playing at your favorite online casino with Echeck.
Top online casinos accepting Echeck for Canadians
What is Echeck ?
Well it's pretty well exactly what you think it is. An electronic Check used to send money directly from your bank account to the merchant ( in this case your favorite online casino ) without the need to hand deliver a paper check / cheque.
Why is Echeck so popular ?
Long gone are the days where a person can go to the grocery or drug store and write a cheque. ( Spell check really really wants me to put “check” but I refuse ! ) The cost of doing business with paper cheques was simply too much. Both for the person using them and especially for the merchants. Bounced cheques and processing fees combined with long wait times made for a rough situation.
Enter the Echeck ! Now thousands of different merchants gladly accept Echeck as a form of payment for the simple reason of instant results. No waiting and no big processing fees to worry about. For players it's a win win situation as well. You don't go over your limit and you get to start playing within minutes of making a deposit.
Do all Canadian banks allow the use of Echeck ?
All the Major Banks allow their customers to use this method. C.I.B.C, Royal, TD, BMO, Bank of Nova Scotia. The transactions between the banks listed above and the casino are instant.
How do I deposit with Echeck
Quite possibly one of the easiest ways to deposit is with echeck and here is how you do it. I have used images from my Grand Mondial casino account to show how easy it is. Make sure you have your banking information handy. You'll need it for this next part. Click each image to enlarge it.
First thing is to enter your banking details as shown in the image below. A blank cheque or your banking website would have this information.
Then just confirm your details and make your deposit. Easy as pie !
There we go. You've set up Echeck as an instant deposit method in just a few minutes. Well done ! Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions pertaining to the Echeck service.